BODYCAM 4: Clearing the Server URL

If a customer changes a camera from the local PV transfer to Securamax or relocates the PV Transfer server to a new address, the cameras need to be reconfigured. To do this, the existing configured server URL will have to be cleared, then the camera can be set up again using the new server.
Clearing the Server URL
To clear the URL, power down the BC4 camera, and place the camera in a BC4 docking station. The camera will power up. Press/hold both the F1 and F2 buttons (for approximately 3 seconds) simultaneously until "CLR SERVER?" is displayed on the camera's LED screen, then release. Press and hold F1 (Yes) for 3 seconds to clear the server URL. Remove the BC4 camera from the docking station. The camera screen will display the message "NOT SETUP". Press F1 to scan the QR Code.
PV Transfer Interface
On the computer interface (PV Transfer), select "ADD BODY CAMERA" and then scan the QR Code (on the screen) with the BC4 camera lens. BC4 will display "SUCCESS" on the camera's LED screen. Place the BC4 camera in the docking station. The camera contacts the server and shows on the PV Transfer “Add BODYCAM” web page. Select the device, add a username, select the desired config profile, and click “Complete Setup”.

For additional details, see BODYCAM 4 Quick Start Guidelines
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