CloudConnect-Admin: Managing Permissions

CloudConnect allows users to view, edit, and manage user and device data. Each "User" must be added to the CloudConnect system and assigned specific "Permissions" to access the information necessary to execute their role.

"Permissions" are assigned to users through "Groups" and "Roles":

  • "Groups" classify CloudConnect data by division/agency (typically defined by region). 
  • "Roles" categorize users based on their responsibilities within an agency.

Permissions are managed by an administrative user assigned "Admin" permissions by a site administrator, typically during account setup. When adding users to the account, the admin must assign each a role and group(s), defining what each user will have access to within CloudConnect. 

Creating & Editing Groups

  1. On the left navigation pane, select "Admin" to open the admin menu and click "Groups" to load the "Groups" page.  
  2. The "Groups" page is divided into two sections: the "Active groups" navigation list on the left and the detail pane on the right. 
  3. To create a new group, click the blue "+ Add new group" button on the top right corner of the left pane.
  4. To edit an existing group, right-click the group name in the navigation list. This opens a context menu with the "Edit" and "Delete" options. Click "Edit."

  5. Type a name for the new group and click on the blue "Save" button. 
  6. After the group is created, it will display in the "Active Groups" navigation list and can now have "Users" and "Units" assigned to it.

Creating & Editing Roles

  1. On the left navigation pane, select "Admin" to open the admin menu and "Roles" to load the "Roles" page.
  2. The "Roles" page displays the list of existing roles and their description, an "Actions" button for each role, and buttons to "+ Create a new role," "Select Permissions," and "Refresh" the list. 
  3. To create a new role, click on the blue "+ Create new role" button in the top right corner of the page. 
  4. To edit an existing role, click the left "Actions" button to display the "Edit" button and click it. 

  5. Editing/creating a role will display a module with two tabs, "Role Properties" and "Permissions." The active tab name will be displayed in grey.
  6. In the "Role Properties" tab, type a "Role name" and a role "Description."
    • These will be used when assigning user "Roles" and "Permissions." Accurate names and descriptions will facilitate the user creation process. 
    • In the example below, the "Role" Supervisor has the "Description" Advanced user access with some management capabilities. 
  7. In the "Permissions" tab, the modal will display a list of folders organized by hierarchy. This is searchable but can also be seen as a tree of responsibilities:
    • Selecting an open folder icon will select all permissions within that folder. Selecting a closed folder icon will only select that specific permission and the parent permission the folder is contained in. 
      • If the user is given general "Site Access," they'll be given all permissions on the site. 
      • If a user has "Manages members" permission, they will have one "Admin" permission and be given "Site Access"—these boxes will both be auto-selected—but the user will still only have permission to "Manages members."
  8. Once the "Role" permissions have been defined and selected, scroll to the bottom of the modal and click the blue "Save" button in the bottom right corner.  

Creating & Editing Users

  1. On the left navigation pane, select "Admin" to open the admin menu and "Users" to load the "Users" page.
  2. The "Users" page displays a list of existing users, with a "+ Create new user" button in the top right corner, and the search bar and "Show advanced filter" navigation tools.
  3. To create a new user, click the blue "+ Create a new user" button in the top right corner of the page. 
  4. To edit an existing user, click the blue "Actions" button and select "Edit" from the actions menu.  
  5. Creating/Editing a user will show a modal with three tabs: "User Information", "Role Selection", and "Groups". The active tab name will be displayed in grey.
  6. In the "User Information" tab, type the user's first name, last name, and email address in the corresponding fields.

    • The provided email address will be the user's login credentials; users will need this email to receive an invitation and log into CloudConnect.
  7. There are three checkboxes at the bottom of the "User Information" tab:
      • Set random password – CloudConnect will generate a secure password for the user account, which will be sent to them with their login credentials. 
        • Unchecking this box will prompt the admin to type a password for the user. 
      • Should change password on next login – The system requires users to change their password after they sign in to CloudConnect for the first time. 
      • Active – Allows admin users to easily deactivate and reactivate user accounts while maintaining their permission settings and data in the CloudConnect system.
        • For security considerations, the admin user should consider temporarily deactivating users taking time away from the division/agency. 

  8. The "Role Selection" tab displays the list of CloudConnect roles and their descriptions. Select the role most appropriate for the user.
    • Reminder: The "Role" and "Groups" selections dictate what information a user can view, edit, and manage within the CloudConnect site. These permissions are recommended to be assigned on a "minimum needed" basis. 
  9. The "Groups" tab displays the list of CloudConnect groups. Select the group(s) most appropriate for the user. 
  10. Scroll to the bottom of the modal and click the blue "Save" button in the bottom right corner. This action concludes the user creation process and sends the user their CloudConnect invitation email. 

Customizing User Permissions

While most user permissions are set by "Role", a user may be given "Special Permissions" to view, edit, or manage specific data differently from other users with the same role.  

  1. On the "Users" page, locate the user by typing their name on the search bar or scrolling through the alphabetically ordered list. 
  2. Click the blue "Actions" button on the user row and select "Permissions" from the actions menu. 
  3. This will open a "Permissions" modal. Select the desired permissions and click the bottom right "Save" button. 
    • If this process is unclear, see step 4 in Creating and Assigning Roles for an overview of the permissions folders. 
    • To return to the default "Role" permissions, select the gray "Reset special permissions" button at the bottom of the modal. 
  4. Click the blue "Save" button in the bottom right corner of the modal. 
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