Server Installation
1. Download the latest version of the PV Transfer software from:
2. Launch the software and follow the installation instructions to complete the process. For most installations, there is no need to change any default values of the installer during the process.
3. The software service is installed in the path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\PRO-VISION\PVTransfer"
Data for the software and its logs files are located at: “C:\ProgramData\PRO-VISION\PVTransfer”
4. After the installation is completed, the Windows Service that manages the transfer function “PVTransfer2” will be started, and a web browser will open to the URL: https://localhost:5004
Note: If a web browser does not open automatically after you click “Finish”, click the link above or manually open a web browser and navigate to that address.
5. The web interface is initially secured by a self-assigned security certificate, so you will receive a notice the first time it opens stating that “The connection isn’t private”, click “Advanced” and then “Continue to localhost (unsafe)” Note: The wording of the above statements vary based on the web browser used.
6. After the web page opens, you will need to enter the license key provided by PRO-VISION with the purchase of the software. If you do not have the license key, please contact PRO-VISION via email at to receive your license key before continuing.
7. Enter the license key in the text box labeled “License Key” and press “Save”. The license information will be displayed, including the number of devices allowed, and the license expiration date. Licenses are typically renewed within 1‑3 years, depending on the sales terms. The license will automatically update each time it is renewed; the license key will not have to be changed or re-entered unless the license is not renewed before the expiration date.
Note: To download the license after entering the key, the software must contact the license server at 443). If the license retrieval fails, it may be because the server is blocked by a network firewall.
Server Configuration
After the installation is completed and the license key is entered, the software must be configured before devices can be added, start by clicking “Home” or navigating to https://localhost:5004.
1. When the software is not yet configured, the Welcome screen below will appear when navigating to the web interface at https://localhost:5004. Click “get set up” to begin.
2. Enter the site URL, this will be the path used to get to the service externally from a DVR or another PC using the PV Player integration. In most cases, this is set to the computer's local IP address (for example, “”) but if you wish to use a domain name for your site, you can assign this IP/port in your DNS server to a domain name and enter it here (for example,
IMPORTANT! The computer running the software must have a Static or a DHCP Reserved IP address. If the computer’s IP address changes after setup, the configured devices will no longer be able to communicate with the server.
If your devices will be uploading over 4G or from locations that are not on the same LAN as the server, the server URL must use a domain name or public static IP address with proper port forwarding configured on your router/gateway to the server’s static LAN IP address.
3. Enter the storage location path. For basic installations, a local File System disk address on this computer can be used (for example, “C:/Fleet/Video”) but for installations that allow other network users to access the transferred video files through the PV Player integration, a UNC path must be used for the shared directory (for example, “//SERVER/Fleet/Video”). The transfer service will create sub-directories for each unit in this directory as the devices are added and files are transferred.
4. Click “Next” to save the values and continue.
5. If you set your site address to the IP address of the computer in step 2 above, you can leave the SSL certificate choice at “Use Generated Self-Signed Certificate”. However, if you changed the site URL/Address to use a domain name rather than an IP address, you will need to choose “Upload a Certificate”, select your certificate, and then click “Save”.
6. There are various security settings that need to be configured next on the “Security” page. These settings can be changed later, as needed, by navigating to the “Security” page on the top nav bar.
a. Encrypted Transfer (HTTPS) – This should always be enabled on internet facing configurations, but on trusted, internal, local-only networks it can be disabled to improve transfer speed.
b. Secure Desktop Client Access – This setting secures the access from client applications; disabling it will reduce the complexity of deployments, but it should only be disabled on trusted internal networks.
c. Automatically Authorize Desktop Clients – This will allow new desktop client apps (Integrated PV Player app) and will automatically receive an authentication key when added, but once all new clients are set up, this should be disabled to increase security.
d. Automatically Approve New Devices – This setting simplifies setup of new devices when enabled but should be disabled once all new devices have been added.
e. Show Web Interface on localhost Only – This will disable access to this web interface from all computers other than this one (server). This is typically only disabled on internet facing installations to prevent general visibility of the unit information.
After changing settings, click “Save”.
7. Email notifications can be configured. Emails are sent through a service.
a. Alarm Video Transfer Notification – When enabled, one email will be sent daily with a summary of the transfers that occurred over the 24 hours prior to the email time selected from the drop-down menu (bottom of page). Emails will be sent to the address(es) configured if transfers occurred during that period.
b. Device Health Notification – When enabled, one email will be sent daily with a summary of the devices with new Device Health events that occurred over the prior 24 hours to the email time below. This summary also includes a report for devices that have been inactive in the last 14 days. Emails will be sent to the address(es) configured if a device health event occurred in the last 24 hours.
c. Email Time – This is the time that the server will send the messages.
After configuring the email settings, click “Save”.
8. Setup of the service is now complete, but to begin using the service, you must first restart it to assign the security certificate.
9. To restart the PV Transfer Service, go to Windows search in the bottom left and type “Services”, locate the services app, and launch it.
10. From the Services panel, find the “PVTransfer2” service, right-click on it, and select “Restart”. The “Status” column will change from “Running” to “Stopped” to “Started” to “Running”.
11. The PV Transfer software is set up and ready for devices to be added.
Client Computer Setup
Client computers use the PV Player for reviewing videos, the player can review files directly from the storage disk or through the PV Transfer integration. It is important that the following steps be completed while logged in as the intended computer user, not as an administrator.
1. Install the PV Player on the client computer, the latest version can be downloaded from:
Full details of the PV player are available in the guide: Player Guide.pdf
2. Launch the PV Player.
3. Click the “Vehicle List” button in the player to see the list of vehicles from the PV Transfer software.
4. If the integration is not set up, a Setup window will appear. Enter the server URL of the server running the PV Transfer service and press “Test”. If you receive a green check, the server is accessible from this PC and the server’s file storage path will appear.
5. Press “Test” next to the file permissions box. If the current client computer user can access the storage URL and it is accessible, then a green check will appear. If it is not accessible, change the user permissions to allow the client user to read files from the storage path and then press “Test” again.
6. If the file permissions test is successful, press “Save and Finish” to complete setup. The page will not show up again and the “Vehicle List” will appear with the vehicle’s configured in the PV Transfer software. If the file permissions check fails, it indicates that the current user account does not have read permissions to the storage location.
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