Wireless Connection Test Kit: Overview

The Wireless Connection Test Kit is portable testing equipment that connects to pair-over-power wireless components and allows users and installers to test and troubleshoot transmitter and receiver systems individually, at a large scale, and when the matching components are unavailable.

Wireless pair-over-power systems pair automatically when connected to the same power wire (the 7-way plug) by sending a 12V signal. This is the blue center pin, #7 Auxiliary Power/ABS circuit wire for commercial trailers and tractors. Both power leads must be on this shared circuit for the system to operate.

  1. Trailer systems include a wireless transmitter and camera. 
  2. Tractor systems include a wireless receiver, monitor, DVR, and/or multiplexer.


In the Kit

The kit contains two complete systems:

  1. Receiver and monitor to test trailer systems.
    • The battery, charger, adapter, and power switch supply power to the monitor and send the pairing signal to the trailer system.
  2. Transmitter and camera to test the tractor systems.

Both systems have a corresponding 7-way connection port located and labeled in the back of the kit case.

For detailed instructions to use the Wireless Connection Test Kit, see:

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