SecuraMax-Admin: Managing Tags and Categories

Tag and categories are preset user fields that are used for managing stored video.

When are tags and categories used?

Each time a video is uploaded, the assigned user will be prompted to review the video. When reviewing files, users can manually enter text into free-form fields such as title and description, but they can also select from lists of preset data in the form of tags and categories. Tags are used for reference/grouping only, and categories are used for grouping and assignment of retention time (how long the files are kept before deletion).

Tags and categories are used to organize, identify, and reference documents/video recordings. They are applied to newly uploaded/reviewed videos/files.

Creating/Editing Tags:

  1. To create or edit a tag, from a SecuraMax account with admin permissions to "Manage Tags" click "ADMIN" in the top navigation bar and select "TAGS".

  2. All current tags will be displayed on the page, click on a current tag to view/change it, or click "ADD ONE" to create a new one.

  3. Enter a name for the tag, this is what the user will select when assigning it.

  4. If the tag is to be required on all videos, check the "Required" checkbox
  5. Choose the type of tag:
    • Key/Value - This allows the user to enter text as a free field
    • Geographic Coordinates - This allows the entry of Lat/Long and validate the format
    • Select List - This will bring up options to set for a user to pick from in a dropdown list.
  6. Choose "Save" to begin using the tag.

Creating/Editing Categories:

  1. To create or edit a category, from a SecuraMax account with admin permissions to "Manage Categories" click "ADMIN" in the top navigation bar and select "CATEGORIES".
  2. All current categories will be displayed on the page, click on a current category to view/change it, or click "ADD ONE" to create a new one.

  3. Enter a name for the Category, this is what the user will select when assigning it.

  4. Select the retention time to videos that have this category associated. If a video is assigned more than one category it will use whichever retention time is the longest.
  5. Categories can be assigned to rules that allow automatic association based on the content of the video. This feature only works with in-vehicle DVR systems. If desired, click "ADD NEW RULE" select the desired factor/event that occurs on the vehicle, then click the green check box.
  6. Choose "Save" to begin using the category.

How does a user assign Tags and Categories?

  1. After videos are uploaded, the user will select "Review Uploaded Documents".
  2. From the upload, selected one or multiple videos by using the checkbox to the right of the video time period.
  3. Fill in the Title, add a description if desired, select at least on Category, assign to case if desired, then add tags if desired (unless required).
  4. Click the "Complete" button to complete the review.


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