Mirroring Camera in Samsara

When using a single camera connected to the Samsara HD Camera Connector, the camera image can be flipped in the Samsara interface.

  1. Login as admin user to the Samsara portal at https://cloud.samsara.com/
  2. In the bottom left corner, click on your User Icon
  3. From the pop-up menu, click "Organization Settings"
  4. In the Organization left side menu, click "Gateways" under the "Devices" section
  5. On the Gateways page, click "Cameras"
  6. Locate your HD Camera Connector Device (shows as type AHD1) and click the "..." button to the right side and choose "Configure Camera"
  7. On the configure camera page, use the flipping controls to adjust the view, and then click "Save"
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