Stop Arm Trigger

Stop Arm Camera

If a DVR-824 Stop-Arm camera is connected to the DVR unit, the “Stop Arm Camera” settings page will appear in the DVR unit’s web menu under “Advanced” settings.

Vehicle Detection Status:  Shows the status of the detection feature.

 Disabled    Feature is disabled.

 Ready        Feature is enabled and ready to use.

 Detected    Trigger is active, and a vehicle or object has passed the stop-arm camera.

Automatic Stop Arm Event Generation: The switch will enable automatic event generation. Slide this switch to the right to enable the detection feature.


Stop Arm Trigger Connection: Select the desired trigger that is connected to the stop-arm open trigger signal. The event detection feature will only be looking for events when this trigger signal is present.

To test the stop arm camera functionality, ensure the page status displays as Ready. Turn on the trigger for the stop arm by activating the red lights, and then physically move hand across from one camera lens to the other, the status should change to Detected.

The DVR unit will create a "Stop-Arm" folder in the root directory of the primary recording disk. Then, a folder will be created with the date and time of the event. This folder will contain video files from both cameras for five seconds before and five seconds after the test event:

SD/StopArm/20200101/20200101_10/7_201200101_102511_PVVS.avi Rear Facing Camera View

SD/StopArm/20200101/20200101_10/7_201200101_102511_PVVS.avi Front Facing Camera View

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